
Tea With Austen 2 Regency Anthology – August 2024

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that any hot-blooded reader must be in need of a hero in a wet white shirt…
Grab your fans and parasols and join our party of Austen-inspired ladies and gentlemen for tea, scones, and the latest on-dit, in this collection with part of the proceeds going to Breast Cancer Research.
Releasing August 28, 2024
𝐏𝐫𝐞-𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 here: https://books2read.com/tnrc2024teawithausten
  • HeatherScarlett
  • Jeanine Lauren
  • Carrie Ann
  • Sharon Michalove
  • Angela Kady
  • Juliet Martini
  • Frannie Holmes
  • Riana Everly
  • Diana Lloyd
  • Emma Brady
  • Gabbi Grey
  • Kathleen Ryder
  • Cecilia Rene
  • Bianca White
  • Christina Alexandra
  • Clyve Rose
  • Lisabel Chretien
  • Grace Hartwell
  • MaryAnn Clarke

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